
Streamline Blog

All things special district and technology related

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Opportunities and Risks for Districts

on February 5, 2024 By | Annelise Spargo | 0 Comments | Website best practices
Goldman Sachs has said that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will have 100x more of an impact than the personal computer in terms of productivity and GDP growth.
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Are .gov Domains Coming to Special Districts?

Many districts are not currently using a .gov domain, or they don't realize they can get one. However, we are starting to see more and more districts setting up their website with a .gov. Some states are even pushing for it, like AB 1637 in California, which could mandate the use of a .gov by districts. If history has shown us anything, it's that California often sets the tone for districts across the country. So if .gov domains become a requirement in California, other states could follow suit (note: a .gov domain is not currently required for districts in any state).
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Website accessibility for special districts: What is the risk, really?

By the end of 2023, more than 10% of districts were affected by a website ADA claim. This rapid increase is startling, and we want to help you stay informed and prepared for any risks facing special districts.
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What to do if you know you have accessibility issues with your website

So, you’ve tested your site for WCAG 2.1 AA compliance, and while you’re well on your way, you still have some areas of your site that aren’t quite up to modern standards. Perhaps some of those supporting board materials from third parties are wrecking your score and keeping you up at night, or your website developer is taking forever to fix those items identified in your last monthly scan…
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Transparency trends and tips for special districts

on November 18, 2021 By | Annelise Spargo | 0 Comments | Website best practices Website requirements
Many states have begun adopting legislation requiring transparency, and this can feel like a chore to comply with, but there are a lot of benefits for Districts that embrace transparency.
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What is Cybersecurity? A Brief Guide for Special Districts

on October 21, 2021 By | Annelise Spargo | 0 Comments | Website best practices
We're here to keep you updated (and safe!) with the latest cybersecurity information for special districts.
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Stunning free images hand selected for special district websites

on August 26, 2021 By | Annelise Spargo | 0 Comments | Website best practices Marketing
Images are arguably the most powerful part of your special district website. Your audience is naturally drawn to view them first, and when done right, they leave a lasting impression.
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What's a billboard got to do with it?

on October 28, 2019 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | Website best practices Marketing
I know, I know … the majority of special districts aren’t spending money on billboard advertising. So why am I writing about billboards? Our online attention span is now hovering around 6 to 8 seconds, and that just happens to be the amount of time a driver has to process the information on a billboard while driving down the freeway. People have been studying the effectiveness of billboard advertising for much longer than the internet has been around - so if you’re trying to get the attention your district deserves, these takeaways can be really helpful.
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Importance of getting the positive attention your district deserves

on October 7, 2019 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | Website best practices Marketing
[This is the first of a series of posts on the subject.] We often speak with folks at special districts who feel that “promoting” the district (whether via a website, social media, or other means) is unnecessary because - and this is a direct quote: “We aren’t competing with anyone.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Educating the public about the important work your district does is vital for a number of reasons.
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Using Chrome Lighthouse to test your site for accessibility

Creating websites that are accessible to visitors with disabilities can be challenging, especially for developers building one-off / standalone sites. Most websites that were built even a year ago are likely not accessible, and many of the content management systems out there aren't accessible out-of-the-box, so to speak. If your website partner wasn't specifically told to build your website in an accessible way, it's likely that your site may have a few issues. Accessible websites aren't easy to build! If you're wondering if your site is accessible, you can get an idea by using an automated scanner. Automated testing won't catch every potential issue, but it will check the basics (and the most obvious), giving you an overall idea of how you're doing. (If you need 100% comprehensive testing, have it done by professionals using assistive devices.) So how do you test your site yourself?
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