
Streamline Blog

All things special district and technology related

FAQs: Website requirements for California special districts, SB 929

on May 14, 2019 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
We get so many questions about the new California special district website requirements going into effect Jan. 2020 that I thought a blog post was in order. Hopefully this helps make sense of the legal requirements on the horizon!
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SB 929 passes: all California special districts must have websites

on September 21, 2018 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
A bill that requires all independent special districts in California to have a website was signed into law by Governor Brown this month. State Sen. Mike McGuire’s SB 929 – the Special Districts Transparency Act – requires every independent special district in California to create and consistently maintain a website with specific and detailed information including meeting agendas, clear information on the district’s budget and expenditures, compensation reports, information on how to contact representatives of the district, and more.
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Website accessibility standards for local government

There are a few formatting requirements that apply to local government agencies in California: Section 508 (for visitors with disabilities); AB 169 guidelines for anything considered “open data;” and AB 2257, which governs formatting and posting requirements for any agency’s main governing body’s agenda. In this article we’ll touch on the first two; to learn more about AB 2257 and home page agenda posting, check out this related article.
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California website requirements -- an overview

on August 31, 2018 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
Special district websites must comply with federal and state mandates, but how do you keep up with changing requirements? The state doesn’t send you a letter after they’ve passed a new mandate, let alone give you a heads up beforehand. (And, how would you know Section 508 guidelines changed January 2018?)
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The Brown Act and new California agenda posting requirements

on August 31, 2018 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
The Ralph M. Brown Act is an act of the California State Legislature passed in 1953 that guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies. It’s been updated multiple times since its original drafting, and now includes a website posting requirement for agendas. While it has always been required to physically post agendas a minimum of 72 hours before upcoming regular meetings, it now requires that those agendas also be posted on the agency’s website, if they have one.
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FAQs on SB 272 Compliance

on January 30, 2016 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
From the CSDA Webinar on May 25, 2016 and the Streamline webinar June 29, 2016 – by Sloane Dell'Orto
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California Senate Bill 272 updates California Public Records Act

on January 30, 2016 By | Sloane Dell'Orto | 0 Comments | California compliance Website requirements
SB-272, SECTION 6270.5 OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT: LOCAL AGENCIES: INVENTORY. SB 272 requires local agencies (excluding school districts) to create catalogs of all enterprise systems that store information about the public, and to post this catalog on their websites, if they have websites. If they do not have a website, they are required to publish the catalog in a way that can be provided to anyone who asks. This law applies to all California special districts, cities and counties, and compliance is required by July 1, 2016.
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